Welcome to Don Bosco B.Ed College, Yadgiri...

College Library

  • The college library is the knowledge resource center of the college. It caters to the needs of the staff and student-teachers. Library is well stocked with text and reference books recommended by NCTE. The library has prime sources like journals, magazines, encyclopedia, dictionaries, CD-ROM databases and e-journals to enhance the knowledge of the staff and student-teachers. It also includes e-library and library is fully automated.
  • The library is open on all working days from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM.
  • Absolute silence should be maintained in and around the library.
  • Students should register their entry in the gate entry register whenever they access the library.
  • Check the condition of books before leaving the counter.
  • Each student may borrow 2 library books at a time after registration on the register in the presence of the librarian.
  • Students should wrap the books borrowed by them to avoid mutilation and damage.
  • Books will be issued to students under a load for a period of two weeks. Books may be renewed further if not reserved.
  • Books must be returned on or before the prescribed date.
  • Loss of any books should be immediately reported to the librarian in the prescribed form available in the library.
  • When the book is lost or damaged, the student must replace it with a new copy of the same edition or pay the book cost along with the handling cost etc. as applicable.